Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mark McLeod Labeled a "Danger" to Miley Cyrus

You really shouldn't stalk Miley Cyrus.
It's unethical, it's illegal and it just gives her something else to Twitter about.
But Mark McLeod was arrested earlier this month for allegedly following around the Hannah Montana star during a movie shoot in Savannah, Georgia. The sick nut job said Miley had been sending him "secret messages" on TV and in her music.
Fortunately, it doesn't sound as though McLeod will be coming near Cyrus again in the near future: a judge has rejected a request to reduce his $55,000 bond for release, according to the Savannah Morning News, which quoted judge Steven Scheer as saying the 53-year-old McLeod posed a potential threat.
"I can't deny him bond, but if I could I would, because I do feel he's a danger."

McLeod was also arrested in 2003 for contributing to the delinquency of a minor when he transported a girl across the Georgia/South Carolina border.
Following yesterday's hearing, McLeod's attorney, James Byrne, claimed his client - who says he's Miley's "secret husband" - wasn't a menace to anyone.
"He's been painted as this monster, but he's got a family," the lawyer said. "What he said I understand was unsettling to a lot of folks. But it doesn't make him a stalker."
What on earth would make him a stalker, Mr. Byrne?!?
Miley has taken out a temporary restraining order against McLeod. We hope he goes away for a very long time.

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